
What is ShopIndex?

ShopIndex is a SwitchCraft 3 shops aggregator created by AlexDevs

You can find the source code on GitHub:

How do I add my shop?

Shops periodically broadcast ShopSync data on the modem channel 9773.

If your shop is not broadcasting, update the software or check the configuration according to the supplier instructions.

What is ShopSync

"ShopSync is a standard for shops and "sellshops" to broadcast data in order to improve consumer price discovery and user experience."

You can read about the standard in the following links:

How do I setup a shop?

There exist various softwares that work with Krist.

The followings support ShopSync:

Generic icons

Generic icons can be used to sell something else than items.

Item ID Description Icon
generic:software The shop sells the software as a link or other medium.
generic:software_disk The shop sells the software in a disk as medium.
generic:3dj_file The shop sells the 3D model (3dj) as a link or other medium.
generic:3dj_disk The shop sells the 3D model (3dj) in a disk as medium.